What to Expect


11:00am Sunday mornings (September-June)

10:00am during the summer months (June-September)

During Worship, the kids love their time with the pastor. Following the "Children's Time," during the church year, the children are invited to go with the teachers to their Sunday school class time. 

Following the service, there's an oppportunity to meet and greet people during what we call Coffee Fellowship - a time of fellowship, coffee/tea and of course, snacks.


Greeters and Ushers will welcome you and help you in any way they can.

Music - We sing traditional as well as more contemporary hymns. 

Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month and special Holy days (i.e., Easter). All are welcome to partake in this holy sacrament. 




Where do I park & enter the bulding?

When you arrive at the church, you may park in the back and enter by the side door or the back door. You may also use the elevator which is accessed from the handicapped parking spaces at the side of the church.

What do I wear?

There is no dress code to worship God in this place. Everyone is welcome.